Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Long awaited update

I once again got busy and forgot about blogging. However, I wanted to post about what has been going on in my life. I recently got married (July 7th). Married life is going very well! Sometimes I feel bad for my husband cause I realize he is in a house with all girls (me, our dog, and gerbil!) haha. But things are well, I don't have any complaints :)
My puppy Khloe is doing well. She hasn't gotten much bigger and is full-grown by now. She's the perfect lap dog. :) Everyday is interesting with her. She recently found out she can jump up on the wood chest my grandfather made for me and pushes things off. She also likes to bark when my husband is trying to go to sleep which can be irritating. But overall she is a good puppy! She is attached to me! If I'm not home and my hubby is she will sit in the hallway looking at the door waiting for me. So sweet :) She goes to my husband to play and to me when she wants to cuddle. She is smart though! She now knows how to sit, and lay down, knows what off means, and is getting better at walking on a leash. 8 years of dog obedience paid off (in 4-H).
I leave in a week to go down to Missouri for 12 weeks. I will be attending Children's Ministry Institute to train for my job. Yes it'll be hard to leave my husband for 12 weeks, but doing God's work which is eternal has it's rewards and my husband understands this.
That's all I can tell for now, I'll try to keep in touch while at CMI :)

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