Well, after two years of planning this trip to CMI (Children's Ministry Institute), I am finally here and in week 3! I'm so excited to finally be here and learning more about CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) and how I can reach the children back home in my area! This week we are going through and have to write a paper on the Theology of Child Conversion, showing how the Bible tells us children can be save. There are people and churches that don't believe children are able to be saved, they think you have to be older and an adult. But Jesus shows the importance of children, and the Bible shows that children can be saved! And if we are sending children to school to learn at early ages, they grasp concepts, well why can't they grasp the concept of Salvation? THEY CAN! :) The Bible is clear about this.
Everyone wonders about Ken & I, how we are doing apart. Well, here is the answer. I'm doing fine, Ken is good as well. If you remember back to my freshman year of college I was away from him the whole year. And even though he was an hour away, once I started my weekend job there were times I didn't see him for 5 weeks! We will make it through 12 weeks with no problem. :) Social media is great! Texting, Facebook, and Skype are our friends :)
This weekend most of the students went to the St.Louis Zoo! This was a lot of fun! Growing up in northwest Iowa, I'm partial to the #1 zoo in the U.S. and that is Omaha! BUT St.Louis is VERY nice and free! Hard to beat that!